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Диктант по английскому языку 2023

Тексты Английского диктанта

Посмотрите тексты, которые были на всероссийском диктанте по Английском языку в 2021 году.

Диктант проводится ежегодно Институтом международных отношений совместно с Департаментом по молодежной политике Казанского федерального университета в целях мотивации обучающихся к изучению иностранных языков как средству международного общения и повышения грамотности и уровня владения языковыми нормами английского языка.

В этом году для диктанта было представлено два текста: отдельно для обучающихся, осваивающих программы ОО и программы ВО. Оба текста были посвящены языковым проблемам: истории Уэльского языка и использованию французского языка в Канаде. 

Вариант для школьников:

/ пауза 5-7 секунд
// пауза 8-10 секунд
Выписать на слайде (доске)
The Charter of the French Language

1. Languages can be | living, dead, | become extinct | or move from place to place || or be
transported | from one country to another. ||
2. For example, | English to North America, || French to Canada, | Spanish and Portuguese ||
to South America | and Arabic to Northern Africa. ||
3. Within Canada (,) | French is the second || largest native | linguistic group | representing
22% || of the population, | following English at 58%. ||
4. In fact, | English and French || have equal legal || status in government. ||
5. Quebec is | the only Canadian province || in which French is || the sole official language. ||
6. It is the dominant language || used in everyday communication, || in education, | the media
and government. ||
7. This particularity is || the result of a long || series of language battles || that are still | having
repercussions today. ||
8. In the 1960s (,) || the French speakers | of the Quebec region of Canada || gained political
power there. ||
9. Since then (,) | laws concerning the status of || the French language | were passed both | on
the federal | and provincial levels. ||
10. In 1977(,) | The Charter of the French Language || made French | the official language
of Quebec, || imposed French language tests || for admission to | many professions. ||
11. It also prohibited | the use of English | on commercial signs, | although this was modified
|| in 1993 | when it was decided | that English could appear || on outdoor signs | as long as the
French words || were more prominent. ||
12. The Bill | made it obligatory || for almost all students, || particularly those | moving to
Quebec || from outside the region, || to attend French-only schools || until they reach | college age.
13. Although all pupils || at francophone schools in Quebec || have English lessons, | they do
not start them || until the fifth grade. ||
14. Critics of the system say || that this puts them || at a serious disadvantage || if they want to
study || or try to get a job || outside of Quebec || when they leave school. ||

Примечание1. Обращаем ваше внимание, что если буква в слове написана строчной бук-
вой (заглавной) вместо прописной (маленькой), то считать это за орфографическую
Примечание2. Следующее словосочетание имеет два варианта написания, оба считать
правильными (предложения 3, 13).
3. % = per cent
13. the fifth grade = the 5 th grade
Примечание3. В 3, 8, 9, 10 предложениях возможно два варианта пунктуации: с запятой
и без нее (указаны в скобках) оба считать правильными.
3. Within Canada (,) | French is the second || largest native | linguistic group | representing
22% || of the population, | following English at 58%. ||
8. In the 1960s (,) || the French speakers | of the Quebec region of Canada || gained political
power there. ||
9. Since then (,) | laws concerning the status of || the French language | were passed both | on
the federal | and provincial levels. ||
10. In 1977(,) | The Charter of the French Language || made French | the official language of
Quebec, || imposed French language tests || for admission to | many professions.||

Советуем группу про диктанты, бесплатные конкурсы и стипендии: ВКонтакте Телеграм

Вариант для студентов:


/ пауза 5-7 секунд
// пауза 8-10 секунд
Выписать на слайде (доске)
‘Welsh Stick’
a plaque
Welsh Not
Second World War
Education Reform Act
Welsh Language Act

1. Welsh, | the native Celtic || language of Wales, | is one of the oldest | languages in
Europe. ||
2. Around 20 % of | people in Wales | speak Welsh. |
3. It’s the indigenous language || – the language spoken by the people || who originally lived
in a place, || rather than by others || who moved there | from somewhere else. ||
4. In spite of a variety || of pressures | over the centuries, | the Welsh language | has survived
| into the present days. ||
5. Children speaking | Welsh in school | received severe punishments || at that period. |
6. They were made | to stand in a corner of || the classroom for hours, || to pay fines to the
teacher || or forced to carry | the ‘Welsh Stick’, | a plaque or a stick | carved with Welsh Not. ||
7. This was passed | to the next child | who spoke Welsh in the classroom, || and the child
who had it || at the end of the lesson || received a punishment. ||
8. However, | after the Second World War (,) || the tide started to turn, || and Welsh-only
schools || began to be built. ||
9. The Welsh Language Act || of 1967 | placed it on the same | legal standing as English. ||
10. In 1993(,) | the Welsh Language Act || was passed. |
11. It established in principle || the equality of | Welsh and English in Wales. ||
12. The 1988 | Education Reform Act || made the Welsh language || an obligatory subject ||
for all children | aged 5 to 16, | whether they go to || English-speaking or | Welsh-speaking
schools. ||
13. These days (,) | about 25% of children || in Wales go to | Welsh-only schools. ||
14. Street signs | are written in | Welsh and English, || and villages, towns and cities || have
an English name || and a Welsh name. ||

Примечание1. Обращаем ваше внимание, что если буква в слове написана строчной
буквой (заглавной) вместо прописной (маленькой), то считать это за орфографическую
Примечание2. Следующее словосочетание имеет два варианта написания, оба считать
правильными (предложения 2, 13).
% = per cent
Примечание3. В следующих предложениях возможно два варианта пунктуации: с
запятой и без нее (указаны в скобках) оба считать правильными (8, 10, 13).
8. However, after the Second World War (,) the tide started to turn, and Welsh-only schools
began to be built.
10. In 1993(,) the Welsh Language Act was passed.
13. These days (,) about 25% of children in Wales go to Welsh-only schools.


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